2.8.0 Change Notes

Color mix property added to thematic gradient settings

Thematic display gradient properties now supports a colorMix value for mixing the color of background map terrain or point clouds in with the thematic gradient color. The colorMix property of ThematicGradientSettings is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, defaulting to 0.0, which determines the percentage of the original color to blend in with the thematic gradient color (so 0.0 will be only the thematic gradient color, and 1.0 will be only the original terrain map or point cloud color).

thematic rendering of background map terrain with colorMix set to 0.0, 0.33, and 0.67

Thematic rendering of background map terrain with colorMix set to 0.0, 0.33, and 0.67


hideNodesInHierarchy and grouping

Behavior of hideNodesInHierarchy attribute was changed when used in combination with grouping.

Previously the attribute meant that all nodes produced by the specification it was used on would be hidden, including grouping nodes. That made the combination useless, because grouping had absolutely no effect when used with hideNodesInHierarchy.

Now, only the instance nodes are hidden, but their grouping nodes (if any) are displayed. This makes it possible to create hierarchies like the following:


<ECEntityClass typeName="A" />
<ECEntityClass typeName="A1">
<ECEntityClass typeName="A2">
<ECEntityClass typeName="B" />
<ECRelationshipClass typeName="A_B" strength="referencing" modifier="None" description="">
    <Source multiplicity="(0..*)" roleLabel="contains" polymorphic="true">
        <Class class="A"/>
    <Target multiplicity="(0..*)" roleLabel="is contained by" polymorphic="true">
        <Class class="B" />


Classes:                                  Relationship "A_B"
+-------+-------------+-------+           +-----------+-----------+
| Class | Instance ID | Label |           | Source ID | Target ID |
+-------+-------------+-------+           +-----------+-----------+
| A1    |           1 | One   |           |         1 |         3 |
| A2    |           2 | Two   |           |         2 |         3 |
| B     |           3 | Three |

Presentation rules:

rules: [{
  "ruleType": "RootNodes",
  "specifications": [{
    "specType": "InstanceNodesOfSpecificClasses",
    "classes": { "schemaName": "MySchema", "classNames": ["A"] },
    "groupByClass": true,
    "groupByLabel": false,
    "hideNodesInHierarchy": true
}, {
  "ruleType": "ChildNodes",
  "condition": "ParentNode.ClassName = \"A\"",
  "specifications": [{
    "specType": "RelatedInstanceNodes",
    "relationshipPaths": [{
        "relationship": { "schemaName": "MySchema", "className": "A_B" },
        "direction": "Forward"
    "groupByClass": false,
    "groupByLabel": false
}, {
  "ruleType": "ChildNodes",
  "condition": "ParentNode.ClassName = \"B\"",
  "specifications": [{
    "specType": "RelatedInstanceNodes",
    "relationshipPaths": [{
        "relationship": { "schemaName": "MySchema", "className": "A_B" },
        "direction": "Backward"
    "groupByClass": false,
    "groupByLabel": false


+ A1          (class "A" grouping node)
+-+ Three     (instance node of class "B", ECInstanceId = 3)
| +-+ One     (instance node of class "A", ECInstanceId = 1)
+ A2          (class "A" grouping node)
+-+ Three     (instance node of class "B", ECInstanceId = 3)
  +-+ Two     (instance node of class "A", ECInstanceId = 2)

Nodes' duplication when using RelatedInstanceNodes specification

Behavior of RelatedInstanceNodes specification when used with many-to-x relationships was changed.

Previously, when traversing from a parent node, that is based on multiple instances on the "many" side of the relationship where the other side of the relationship points to the same other instance, we would see duplication.

Now, in the situation described above, there will be no more duplication.

Hilite/Emphasis interaction modified

The visual interaction between hilited and emphasized geometry has been modified to look better. Hilited geometry now always shows through emphasized geometry and visa versa. Geometry which is both hilited and emphasized now shows the outline for both (provided they are of different widths).

Cylinder is hilited, Torus is emphasized, and Block is both hilited and emphasized

Cylinder is hilited, Torus is emphasized, and Block is both hilited and emphasized.

Last Updated: 15 May, 2024