ECSQL Code Examples
Parameter Bindings
See section "ECSQL parameter types in iTwin.js" to learn which types to use for the parameters when binding all parameters at once.
Positional parameters
Named parameters
Navigation properties
Navigation properties are structs made up of the Id of the related instance and the backing ECRelationshipClass. The NavigationBindingValue interface is used to bind values to navigation property parameters.
Because of the struct nature of navigation properties, you can also use its members in the ECSQL. The following example illustrates this by specifying the Id member of a navigation property.
Struct properties
You can either parameterize a struct property as a whole or parameterize individual members of the struct. See "Struct properties in ECSQL" for the ECSQL background.
The ECSQL examples used in this section refer to the sample ECSchema in "Struct properties in ECSQL".
Binding structs as a whole
Binding to individual struct members
The two ECSQL examples used in this section amount to the same results.
Array properties
See "Array properties in ECSQL" for the ECSQL background.
The ECSQL examples used in this section refer to the sample ECSchema in "Array properties in ECSQL".
Working with the query result
ECSQL query results are returned as array of JavaScript literals, where each literal represents an ECSQL row in the ECSQL row format).
The following example is intended to illustrate the ECSQL row format:
Note how the ECProperties used in the ECSQL are converted to members of the JavaScript literal and how their names are transformed according to the rules described in the ECSQL row format.
The following example illustrates how to work with the ECSQL row JavaScript literal:
ECInstanceId | ClassName | Parent Id | Parent RelClassName | LastMod |
0x312 | StructuralPhysical.Slab | 0x433 | BisCore.PhysicalElementAssemblesElements | 2018-02-03T13:43:22Z |
0x313 | StructuralPhysical.Slab | 0x5873 | BisCore.PhysicalElementAssemblesElements | 2017-11-24T08:21:01Z |
... |
Last Updated: 20 June, 2023