maxSize: string | number
You can limit the maximal size of the 'fixed' pane using the maxSize parameter with a positive value (measured in pixels but state just a number). If you wrap the SplitPane into a container component (yes you can, just remember the container has to have the relative or absolute positioning), then you'll need to limit the movement of the splitter (resizer) at the end of the SplitPane (otherwise it can be dragged outside the SplitPane and you don't catch it never more). For this purpose use the maxSize parameter with value 0. When dragged the splitter/resizer will stop at the border of the SplitPane component and think this you'll be able to pick it again and drag it back then. And more: if you set the maxSize to negative value (e.g. -200), then the splitter stops 200px before the border (in other words it sets the minimal size of the 'resizable' pane in this case). This can be useful also in the full-screen case of use.
Defined in
Last Updated: 27 February, 2025